Part 1: Introduction
The technical development of TacoSwap has been completed as stated in the terms of the contract concluded by and between CryptalDash and Virgo Limited, represented by Mickalamasse. The transfer of control of TacoSwap contracts can therefore take place. It is thereby proposed to the community to organize itself in DAO in order to bring together the project and to continue the commercial and marketing development of TacoSwap. As such, the community takes full responsibility for TacoSwap by voting on proposals made by members.
The objective of this document is to present the constitution of TacoSwap DAO, the execution of which will be made under the regulatory direction of Waceo (non-profit organization).
In other words, the DAO is an independent, decentralized organization that uses the services of an independent third-party legal advisor to comply with the law. Given the evolution of DeFi, it is essential to have a clear idea of what is needed to avoid legal problems in the operations area, and to grow in a sustainable manner.
Voting and proposal procedures
To guarantee the required TacoToken number, the snapshot is taken when validating the proposal in order to post it in the concerned module, or when validating its vote.
Therefore, it is a democratic system designed to be open to all, as well as to continuously respect legal standards and to reach consensus around the proposals voted on. Any posted proposal must respect the founding principles of the constitution covered in part 2.
● Posting
To post a proposal on the “community” module, you need a minimum of 70,000 TacoTokens. The “community” proposals fall within the framework of the development of the DAO, of its committees, and more generally of the life of TacoSwap community, of its participation to associative projects (mutual aid, education, culture, etc. ).
● Voting
Each vote requires a minimum of 5,000 TacoTokens when switching to block 12395333.
Internal decisions are thus taken in a democratic and representative manner. Voters are granted a vote proportional to their financial participation to the network.
Part 2 will detail the principles of the constitution. It is important to unite on the basis of common values, this is what will bring strength and stability.
Part 3 will present the implementation of the constitution with the creation of several committees necessary for the development and operation of TacoSwap DAO.
Part 2: The mission and principles of the constitution
The mission of the DAO is to ensure transparency regarding the TacoSwap protocol. The DAO also supports the provision of educational resources that will make it possible in the long term to facilitate the community’s accessibility to Blockchain technology.
The TacoSwap protocol was developed with the aim of giving access to DeFi to uninitiated users.
The principles of the DAO are described below in detail in order to highlight the code of conduct to be observed by all members and participants of TacoSwap community.
1 . Transparency, honesty and trust
TacoSwap is a decentralized protocol where each participant can see every transaction executed on the exchange via the blockchain. Transparency, by definition, is a natural part of our system.
However, being transparent is not enough to create trust. The ability to see all operations on the blockchain is only useful if it is complemented by a full understanding. That is why priority will be given to education and will be the subject of a separate section.
Sincerity is not just a matter of transparency; it is essential to communicate relevant and clear information. This is what will allow developing an engaged and loyal community.
2. Education and respect
The code used for TacoSwap is Open-Source and endlessly duplicable. Our competitive advantage is not technological. The desire of TacoSwap DAO is to provide access to DeFi and to popularize the use of the application. Our priority is to ensure an educational objective in order to:
● Structure information through different official media
● Make the service accessible through clear and explanatory interfaces
● Offer a support service directly accessible on TacoSwap site
DeFi is an open environment; each participant must be able to make informed financial decisions that concern him / her. It is by providing clear and educational information that this is possible and will allow users of all origins, professions, etc. to access TacoSwap’s services equally. This is how to respect the members of the community.
3 . Development framework: stability and compliance
FinTech startups and community crypto projects often prioritize rapid growth over stable growth. It is much faster to create a wooden cabin at the back of a garden than to build a real house. However, TacoSwap DAO is based on sustainability logic. We want to build and develop a strong decentralized exchange that is resistant to market fluctuations. This is how we can have strong, stable and resilient TacoToken. As we mentioned in the corporate presentation of the white paper, the TacoToken is not designed to be a speculation token.
For this purpose, we actively seek to manage TacoToken with the long-term perspective in mind, to create a reliable financial ecosystem. Ensuring a predictable environment through the stability of the TacoToken is a top priority. Having a stable and strong TacoToken will be only possible by developing an exchange in collaboration with projects operating within a regulatory framework in their areas of operations. Priority will be given to tokens with beneficial objectives and bringing added value to the TacoSwap community as a whole.
4 . Hindsight and critical thinking
As ambitious as our foundations and goals are, sometimes we might fail to achieve them.
Hindsight is often necessary to understand the results of a decision. In this context, it is important to give the necessary time for the action plans to be put in place. If a mistake has been made, it is necessary to recognize it and correct it. We are human, and that does not mean that we should not strive to improve ourselves and strive for excellence.
5. Community members: responsibilities and duties
It is important here to clarify the responsibilities and duties of each member of the community and users of TacoSwap.
As explained previously, our competitive advantage lies in the ease of access. In order to do this, we provide members with educational content. Each member is expected to take this opportunity to develop their skills and understanding of the DeFi environment.
This allows us to address the next point regarding the responsibilities of each. Each member is responsible for their decisions, which can only be taken with full knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Obviously, we expect members to interact within the community in a respectful manner. Insults, defamatory or racist, sexist and homophobic comments will be removed and members risk being banned from TacoSwap discussion platforms.
Part 3: the committees
The committees forming the TacoSwap DAO will be set up following the validation of the DAO’s constitution. These committees will support the fundamental objectives of the TacoSwap protocol.
Proposals on the governance module will be made for the establishment and execution of these committees. A vote will validate the agreements with partners or service providers and their scope. This information will be made available in proposals which will be published later. You will find below the missions of each committee.
Their functions can be performed by external service providers (associations, DAOs, companies) registered in accordance with the regulations in their areas of operation, their corporate objects are clearly defined and the identities of the managers and / or executives are known.
Tokenomics committee: The main objective of the Tokenomics committee will be to cover all aspects of management relating to TacoToken.
Tech committee: The Tech committee will be responsible for the proper functioning of the exchange contracts, the development of new features of the exchange itself or of the website.
Marketing committee: The Marketing Committee will be responsible for the implementation of the marketing and communication strategy to support the development of TacoSwap community, the implementation of educational content and assistance.
Supervisory committee
● Payment: The payment committee will be responsible for completing providers’ payments. An independent “treasurer-custodian” will be appointed by Waceo
● Compliance and monitoring: The compliance and monitoring committee will ensure that the TacoSwap DAO remains compliant with the legal and financial obligations decided by the members.
You can follow the link below to vote for the DAO consitution: